Monday, March 26, 2012

long weekend

Saturday we were blessed to be part of the celebration of life of a church member. He passed away last week from cancer. We did not know him well, but we were able to give our love and support to the family by helping provide the food for the reception following the service. It was a long day. We had several places to go to get food, then off to church to set up tables, arrange food, etc. Every time we have a large gathering like this we realize one or two more things that we could get for the church that would help. One of the things is a sign to let folks know there are more restrooms out in the christian education building. I'm going to work on creating a nice sign that we can put up. Will post photos when it's done.

Sunday I had to rush off to work directly after service. Not my favorite thing to do, but at least I was off early and could get to bed at a reasonable time. So today I have stuff to do and of course here I am sitting at my computer. Bad girl! I need to get my little bit late TUSAL post done and then get my butt off this seat.

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