Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TUSAL reminder for myself

This is really being posted as a reminder for myself, but I'm going to begin participating in Daffycat's "Totally Useless Stitch Along" or TUSAL. Check out her sign up page here if you want to join in the fun. Just post a photo of your ORT jar (old ratty threads) on the mew moon (or as close as you can). Here is a photo of my jar that I took in mid December. It's not an official post, but just a trial. I don't like how I took the photos, so I will try something different next time. I chose a really big container because I like the idea of saving them for the whole year. I think seeing the ORT jar (mug) on my shelf will encourage me to stitch more often so I can fill it up!

There are 12 2012 New Moon Dates:
January 23
February 21
March 22
April 21
May 20
June 19
July 19
August 17
September 16
October 15
November 13
December 13

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